
By soozaday


Well, yes, there is a plate of yummy cookies, but look past that to the stack of cloth pages filled with examples of all sorts of needlework. Friend and knitter, W, has put together a stunning collection of work: embroidery, appliqué, and complex embellishments I don’t even know the names of. Eventually it will be hand bound and serve as a reminder of all the wonderful stitching that she has mastered.

Our old plum tree, which has never given us a very good harvest, has gone crazy! I just picked up over two dozen fruits that had fallen to the ground since this morning. All the plum trees in the neighborhood are similarly prolific this year. They just do what they do and you hope you’re lucky enough to be standing there when the fruit drops.

The heat wave continues all over the country. High here of 84 today; we are blessed with ocean breezes.

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