
By LifeLines

Floral Bounty

Had a walk across town to a meeting today and came across Saughton Park. 'Saugh' apparently means 'willow tree' and is thought to refer to the willows growing along the Water of Leith which tumbles along the edge of the park. The park has a rose garden, Italian garden and winter garden - in the grounds of the now demolished Saughton Mansion House.

The park and garden have an interesting history being the venue for the 1908 great Scottish National Exhibition - which 3.5 million people attended! In return for hosting the event the exhibition committee funded a permanent winter garden in the park. The house was, like many, used as a mental asylum but in WW2 housed Land Girls with the flower beds of the formal garden being used to grow onions!

This wildflower border ran along the outskirts of the Italian garden, which almost seemed as though it were in Italy with people sunning themselves in the 28 degree heat!

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