
By KatesGardenPDX

Too Hot

And getting hotter! 97F/36C and will remain hot with daytime temps over 100F/37C through Tuesday. I had to cancel a field trip for my class on Monday - we simply can't be out looking at gardens in the midday heat, darn it!

I had the great joy of sharing lunch with Tookie today. We went to one of our favorite pubs and had their fabulous shrimp tacos. I thought that I'd change it up today and try something else, but I just couldn't! Best news, I have one left for supper tonight ;-)

I braved my deck for a short while this afternoon to catch a blip. The honeybees were out in great numbers on the lavender and cat mint. Apparently the heat doesn't bother them, or maybe they can't stop to think about it.

I spent the rest of the afternoon hiding in my air conditioned office, contemplating what to write in this week's blog post. Got it figured out, so here's a link if you're interested:
I Have Three Great Daughters!

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