Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Tufted Duck

Today we headed into Stockbridge so I could wander the charity shops and Colin have both of his hairs cut at the barber! There a very old fashioned traditional gentleman's barber at the East end of Hamilton Place. I'm sure it's the sort of place that used to ask if sir needed something for the weekend!
No haircut today though, like the fish shop yesterday the Barbershop was closed with no note of explanation!
I picked up a couple of very pretty little dresses for Bonnie in the new St Columba's Hospice Shop and that was it.
I did notice while I was in there that the teapot and a couple of plates which I blipped as an extra here, was still there but had been moved away from pride of place.
We parked in East Fettes Avenue and walked through past Inverleith Pond. Mrs Tufted Duck and her very young brood were out on the water. She was not a very patient mum, a couple of the chicks got a peck for trying to climb on her back! She is such a pretty little duck, I do like her chestnut brown colour. Dad was not to be seen!
We hurried home as Virgin Media were sending someone out between 4 and 7 to have a look at our TV box which seems to be playing up. I do object to getting a text telling me when they are coming(I had selected the time) and the next sentence threatening me with a £25 bill if we weren't in or if the was nobody over 18 in the house! The tone set my back up straight away.
I'm now wondering if I can charge them £25 for not turning up. I feel like I'm in one of those cartoons with steam coming out of my ears!
I wait to hear what the next step is, I haven't heard a word or a text just no engineer appeared.
In other news, Bonnie had lasagne tonight!

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