
By Inglemantwo

Oakley Park Road Bridge

Bromfield, near Ludlow, Shropshire.

I had a great walk in fine weather with Hollie dog..we went out to Mary Halton, then on to the gatehouse at Prior's Halton, and back to Bromfield where the car was parked 

A fine sunny day but very breezy. We stopped and spoke to several other walkers and enjoyed a very relaxing amble of about two and a half miles (I think). 

The road passes through the Earl of Plymouth Estate and is a wonderful easy route used by walkers, horse riders and cyclists.

In the image can be seen the Church of Saint Mary The Virgin which has been a site of worship since the 11th century.

The bridge crosses the River Teme which runs through to Ludlow and south to it's  confluence with the River Severn in Worcester.

Another nice walk and we have another weekend, and another Labour Government.

Two out three isn't bad....

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