Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

More baking

W has loads of energy at the moment.  I, on the other hand, seem to be a bit flat.

After organising insurance for our new car, we delivered the diesel "tank" back to the hire company in Wexford, and then went shopping.  We had a late lunch out.  

After getting home and relaxing briefly with a cuppa, I did manage to rustle up the energy to fold the two loads of washing that had been hanging over racks and bannisters.  I also cleaned the bath, which had a wet carpet from the hot press dumped in it months ago when we had a leaking pipe, and hadn't been cleaned since!

Meanwhile, W was busy in the kitchen, making these rather tasty rhubarb crumble muffins.  After our large lunch, all we've had to eat this evening was flatbreads with lentil dip, followed by one each of the muffins.

And now I'm going to have an early night.

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