Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

They call it Fashion

Yay! I am caught up again with a few backblips.

G was up and ready to go to school for her last day to say goodbye to the kid she had been helping this year. I had to organise a taxi for her. Incredible! The garage kept their word and delivered the car to her at the time they promised!

The squeaking noise that the wishbones made is gone at last, but the A/c cooling doesn't feel that great. Mind, at 50degC, I think all the cars are struggling.

We went out again in the evening, this time to Mall of the Emirates for G to meet the parents to discuss the new school term. I had a little walk around the mall while they chatted. I wish I'd taken my laptop with me. I could have done my blip.

I have to explain the image for the day and the title. This is Neha who is a fellow countryman. She will be leaving us soon for San Francisco where she has enrolled on a movie-making course. I could not get over her trousers when I saw her in the pantry. What a brave girl, I thought to myself. Neha said, "They call it fashion". :))) I wonder if I could ever be so brave to dress like this for work!

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