By Bella888

Scruffy Dog

No noteworthy photos today. So this Scruffy Doggy gets pride of place. Photo taken on Tuesday, for which I make no apologies. As you know by now I've been mainly too engrossed setting up my new Mac, and getting the old printer up and running.

HP has taken over the Samsung Printer division. But despite searching for hours, was unable to get find support for older models.

Annoyingly, late last night, I was caught out by a scam chat feature on an 'official' HP printer support site. The chat agent arranged for a 'technician' to call. He did and asked for access to my computer as unable to rectify the error over the phone.

Stupidly hadn't considered he was a scammer. Luckily as he was about to get screen access a warning message appeared. I immediately rang off, and deleted any suspect links and icons, and restarted the computer. Changed the
computer log on and banking password too.

Called Apple Support this morning after coffee. They checked and said I'd taken the right action and were satisfied the computer hadn't been compromised. Can sleep tight tonight.

Had to get out after that. Took the bus to Winton for Korean tofu and a couple of other bits. Had Appalls at Weatherspoon. Then home.

Watched the Sinner match while doing Wordle and Connections.

NB. We now have a Labour MP

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