
By Jaybay

Sun hat required

Daughter and SiL off to London to an Opera and we have the little one and their dog. Both dropped off around eleven and he finally went to sleep at eight thirty.
Dropped my car at garage and walked home and it was pleasant. When we walked down to the bakery after lunch we realised it was actually hot and sunny so we called into the childrens wear shop to get a hat before going to the park. He will not keep a hat on so I thought one that tied would be good but he wanted the duck hat, as he keeps calling it, and he actually kept it on all the time we were out.
Garage called to say the car was ready just as we were heading home so I went over to pick it up myself. Not happy with the garage but it’s done now so I won’t be going back.
It’s only the second time the grandson has slept over, and they won’t be back until tomorrow evening, so a little concerned that he will wake and want his mummy, or want to go home in the morning and get upset. Last time he slept here he had a good night and I kept waking to check on him.

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