Life through the lens...

By ValC

Ice Plant.

A small plant that has just flowered again after three years. Bought originally for the sink garden but I replanted it in a pot on it’s own.
Common name ‘ ice plant’ botanical name
‘ Delosperma’ .from South Africa.
Reminds me of a very similar but larger plant called a Hottentot Fig which tumbles over and down the cliffs in Cornwall. Which is why I bought this plant.

Fortunately the wind has dropped today. A little sunshine and warmish at lunchtime.
Called in to see my sister this morning and have a good catchup. We were delighted that my niece, her eldest granddaughter, has just got a first class Chemistry degree at York university.

At the moment MrC is watching the football, Portugal v France on our new TV!
After 9 years we had a new one delivered from John Lewis this teatime.
Fortunately they set it up for us, and even they had difficulty!
Anyhow all seems to be working OK . The clarity of the picture is fabulous compared to our old TV. Glad we decided to buy a QLED and not just an LED. ( all double Dutch to me!)
Just in time for the England match tomorrow!

You were very kind with your comments stars and hearts yesterday. Thank you very much for putting my photo on popular page two.

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