
By fitzbilly

Not Our MP

I've been a bit tired today as I stayed up very late watching the results come in.

To wake myself up I decided to have a walk up to the wildflower meadow, hoping to see some butterflies or al least some bees. Before the rain came down I spotted just one butterfly (extra - a male meadow brown I think) and just one bee.

I should have taken notice of the cows on the way. They were sheltering under the trees with many of them lying down, That's supposed to be a sign of rain isn't it. Well it did, and it hasn't stopped yet.

I'm trying to avoid being too political on here but have to report that we still have a Tory here. It's always been a safe seat for them. When we first moved here someone said they could put up a cow for election and it would still win. I should say no more.

One year ago:
Hall Walk
I haven't seen a single red admiral this year.

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