Over Yonder

By Stoffel

14 Out Of 10

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

So THIS happened to me today. 

"SYMON APPRECIATION DAYYYYY!!!" said Briar. Olivia popped her head up from behind her desk and revealed she'd been planning this for weeks but things and stuff and COVID.

It was very touching, but I wanted to know what was so special about the 14th of October. 

"It's NOT the 14th of October!" Briar insisted. "It's your score! Fourteen out of ten!"

It seems arbitrary. But I'll take it. 

So I had a day of being spoiled and loved. They also arranged a meeting wherein I got a trophy and a medal and a unicorn. 

Look. Don't question it. It's like the 14th of October thing.

Lee-Ann and Fazzy were also both in on it. Obviously. They asked me for my input on an Agile Framework meeting. 

"They are SO dry and so BORING," Fazzy complained. "We need you to come along and do your Symon magic."

They way overstate my skills. I have but one fallback position. Filth.

I recommended they take the game "Telestrations" along and then sneakily arrange for everyone to have to draw pictures of sausages. Or cucumbers. Or snakes. Or elephants.

"Because penis," I explained. 

They went off track and started talking about other things people could draw. 

"No, no, no," I insisted. "I think you are missing the point here. Penis."

That was it. They were off. It was the Word of the Day from then on. 

Maybe I really AM capable of magic. 

I'm not entirely sure I don't deserve FIFTEEN out of ten. 


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