
By Houseonahill6


A lovely rainbow crossed the sky as we drove through Fortrose on the way to the Puffin Pool. Lovely light for most of the way which changed into heavy showers the nearer we got to Dingwall. A good dip in the pool, no Anne again.
On to David’s after for a catch up. He managed to get through a day of online learning on Saturday so getting closer to finishing his course.
Mike and David popped to the tip to get rid of another bag of garden rubbish. I stayed at David’s.
Pleased that I’ve defrosted and cleaned the fridge freezer so we can now start loading it up again.
We are watching the American traitors so enjoying that while waiting for the election results to come through. We posted our votes last week so did not need to go anywhere to vote. Our Polling station is in the Town Hall so we would not have had far to go. Exciting to see what happens

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