
By Appreciation

Change Begins

Having watched the exit poll, we went to bed. Change is coming.

He tossed, I turned. He got up at 1.40am. I woke at 4.15am to hear him shout, a while later another shout. I can only imagine seats were being lost by his least favourite party. He came back to bed at 5.45am, by which time I was awake.

I tossed, he turned. I got up at 6.30am to take over the viewing. The results are better than expected. The political commentator Brian Wilson kept reminding us that the votes are not so much votes of confidence but votes of frustration. He's not wrong, however, Change Begins. Instead of election pie, Rishi's tea of choice was definitely eating humble pie.

The rest of the day was spent preparing for a guest who cancelled and catching up with Carol. Once more, she has had several pieces of bad news. I listened, she moaned, fair enough.

I'm tired now. But, CHANGE BEGINS. Let's hope it's quick and it's for the better.

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