
By StephenF

Pinching myself

I've been pinching myself not only to try to keep awake after a long night in front of the the TV but also in disbelief that it has actually happened. But there it is, Chris Mason, BBC's Political Editor, and a man possessed of very expressive eyebrows, reporting on Labour's landslide victory. I have been eligible to vote for 54 years and have endured Tory Prime Ministers for 36 of those years. It will be a welcome change to have competent people in charge after the chaos and cronyism of recent years. I don't believe that all politicians are the same.
 That's just lazy cynicism. Starmer has a record of disciplined public service and that is what the country needs now,. Serious politics, not performative showmanship, and a demonstration to our friends in other countries that the divisiveness of far right politicians, mendaciously presenting themselves as of the people, is not the answer. 

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