
By KCNQ2Haiku

Election coverage

Today's weirdness, Ben
wanted to watch election
footage (for 5 mins!)

So, big day in the UK!  Ben likes to know what's going on so he was asking about it first thing this morning.  He likes to watch shows like Mr Tumble and Octonauts usually but he turned on BBC iplayer and the election coverage was first so he earnestly turned to me and said, 'I could watch the election' and proceeded to press (optimistically) 'play from the start'!  He did not get through very much but he is funny, he likes pomp and ceremony so when he got back from school he was at it again watching the lectern at no.10 and waiting for announcements.  It didn't take long to go back to Mr Tumble but he is the definition of diverse range of interests!
He is still struggling with meltdowns over playing Minecraft which is a bit challenging but we've just about kept it together today.  He heard about his new class for next year today too, so that's interesting.  They've had to move him out of the nurture class he's in because he's scaring some of the anxious students and they've moved him up early to the post 16 setting because it is less restrictive, in terms of curriculum and more 'life skills-based' but they can't put him in the post 16 building because it's too open plan and they think he won't cope with the environment.. so he's attached to a post 16 class but actually based in a room the other side of school by himself.  They're so supportive at school but this is the sort of thing that shows how hard it is to accommodate his needs, even in such a specialist setting.  I'll be doing more diabetes training with the new teaching assistants over the next few weeks hoping to have everyone ready by September.  
But for now, it's Friday night!  Have a good one, everyone :-) 

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