
By RadioGirl


The United Kingdom awoke to a new Prime Minister this morning, and I freely admit to crying with relief watching Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer arrive at No.10 Downing Street after being invited by H.M. The King to form a government. This country has been through such a lot over several years, and the almost constant chaos of the previous administration has made it all so much worse.

The cleaners were here this morning, and admired my re-jig of the living room. Having agreed a completion date for the sale of the flat, I had hoped that contracts might be exchanged today but heard absolutely nothing from solicitor or estate agent, so I shall have to wait with bated breath until at least Monday. They are obviously determined to torture me to the very last! Thank goodness I have the strength of character to self-heal and bounce back from a series of emotional strains that would have tested the patience of Job. The British Heart Foundation charity called this afternoon to book in the collection of my latest furniture donations - it’ll be on Tuesday morning. This clashes with my fortnightly house group, but if they get here early like last time I shall still be able to go along.

The lawn is sprinkled with this stumpy little violet/blue wildflower, which is thriving in the current damp weather. It’s called Prunella vulgaris, and it has historically been grown as a herb for medicinal uses - the leaves were reputedly applied to wounds to promote healing, hence the common name of 'self-heal'. Thank you to Miranda1008 for hosting Wildflower Week.

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