
By Marionb

Guess Who Came for Breakfast

A totally unexpected visitor! I happened to look up from my coffee mug this morning and there, before my eyes, and unfortunately for photographic purposes, on the other side of a pane of glass ..was this lovely fawn! Such a cutie...and such a beautiful coat! Adorable. I managed two snaps before he or she hightailed it back through the trees..(.easy to see where that phrase comes from! ) What a great way to start the day!

My days here by myself are usually very quiet...lots of time to relax, play on my computer, browse through Blipfoto journals, ponder, read, lounge and even nap..but once my daughter and SIL arrive it is a different story; they are action filled! Boat rides here and there, trips to town, and today? Trying out a new toy. What a hoot...

My daughter and SIL spend their winters in the Caribbean and their favourite pastime there is kite-boarding..So now they are interested in learning how to Kite-foil..and bought a beginner foil to learn the basic techniques here at home while being towed by a boat! (extra) 

I was the lucky one who got to take part as the spotter and videographer for my daughter's first try! My SIL is still recovering from a torn achilles heel so he was the driver...The skill and strength required to control one of those things looks daunting! I was amazed that she could manage to even stay on it! 

Tomorrow will be another action-packed day. We have a lot of dead and dying trees that have to be cut down, so we have engaged a friend who made his living cutting trees along hydro lines, who will arrive tomorrow morning bearing chainsaws...

Never a dull moment....

PS: A Happy July 4th to our neighbours south of the border!

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