Brian's Bits

By Kanyl


       I was having the time honoured wander and fancied a shot of "Lucifer" in bud as a possible.
       What changed my mind and "verified" it was the Rt. hand Shot.  WEEEEIRD - I know I typed "certified" by intent and Spill Chucker decided I really meant "verified". Well why not?
       If I hadn't spotted it there's a chance Lucifer might have missed it today. 
      It's less obvious by camera, but, by Eye there's a definite Snail/Slug silver streak down equally spaced across that slit.
       I can, sort of, understand a penchant for a particular part of a flower, as has been seen on Pheasant's Eye, and recent Erigeron. BUT - why nibble your way down what "to human view displayed"© (A bit premature?) the thicker mid-rib of a leaf?

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