Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

NOT a Bugle.

       Might inspire a Lawn census.  There's a bloke with a Youtube channel entitled "T A Outdoors" recently added a short "tail" to one of his posts.  He included a few plants; one of which was Selfheal.
       SO, I decided to use the phone Plant ID  App to check on what I'd assumed was Ajuga reptans (Bugle).  Without a blink it ID-ed Selfheal; AKA 
"Prunella vulgaris, the common self-heal, heal-all, woundwort, heart-of-the-earth, carpenter's herb, brownwort or blue curls, is an herbaceous plant in the mint family Lamiaceae." NONE of which I'd heard of, other than selfheal.
        Evidently an American entry.  How many Brits do you know who drop the initial "H" and talk about Erbs?
       However. It gave me the idea to, maybe slowly do a Front-Grass census.  
       How can I, with a straight face & a clear conscience call it a "Lawn" when, at times I'm never sure if I've moss in my Grass Lawn or Grass in my Moss lawn; not to mention all the other vegetation.

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