
By rainie

The many faces ….

……of Lexi (of course).

We’ve had a reasonably quiet day….mainly indoor activities.  She beat me at Connect Four, grrr!!

This evening we and her Uncle Steve, and cousins Ruby and Lulu went into the city for a delicious Chinese meal, it has to be the nicest, tastiest and authentic meal I’ve ever had.  A lovely evening was had, I’m late loading my blip.

The collage is a few quick photos I took (with the phone) just before we left.  She is such a poser.

In extra is yours truly with Lexi, and Lexi with her cousins outside the restaurant.  

The city is extremely busy with the V8 Super Cars on this weekend…a huge event for Townsville, plus North Queensland’s rugby league team is playing at home this weekend too which draws the crowds.

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