They'll just have to be satisfied...

with two feet in and two feet out! I'm not going to suddenly start swimming like an otter just to please them. I'm going to take it slowly, in my own time, and milk every last drop of their praise and appreciation for each little 'step in the right direction' that I take!

You know what? I overheard them discussing what a 'good boy' I was, just for going into the water at all! He He Heeeeee...! That should be good for an extra plate of chicken breast tonight! Why would I use up all my opportunities for 'earning' extra treats in just one day, by actually swimming? I do have a brain in my little BT head you know!

They want me swimming confidently in time for our seaside holiday in Cornwall... If I drag out the 'learning' process, it should be good for at least nine weeks of extra treats!

Alfred Dog :-)

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