Kendall is here

By kendallishere

For those who don't celebrate....

...the hypocrisy of the "founding fathers" who were slave-holders in a country built on stolen land following the murder of the indigenous people, a country whose wealth is rooted in free labor, a country whose wealth is even now applied to the murder and destruction of Palestinian people. What is there to celebrate?

Amy Goodman tells us. We can celebrate a tradition of resistance, protest, and truth-telling. We can celebrate actors coming together on a simple stage to tell the honest history of a country where there have always been people who did not agree to domination, exploitation, and rape of women and people of color. Here are their words, from Frederick Douglass asking, "What, to a slave, is the fourth of July?" to the mother of Heather Heyer talking about her daughter's legacy. If you listen, don't miss the words of the mother of Heather Heyer, performed brilliantly by Marisa Tomei. This. We can celebrate this.

Also: free Palestine.

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