
By NightOwl45

General Election

A long, productive day with much pacing. Shattered!

I have done almost 12,000 steps (see extra) for my paced walking fundraiser in aid of Cancer Research UK, which all donations going to breast cancer research, had my first donation a couple of days ago. Feeling it tonight but it’s worth it :)

My Mum is a breast cancer survivor (Stage 2) and one of my best friends is currently fighting the disease and I am doing this for her and all the other people who have been affected by breast cancer. 

Please support me if you can, it would be much appreciated! The link is below :)

This afternoon, I voted and today’s Blip is of my local Polling Station. The Exit Poll is predicting a Labour landslide.

I have rested this evening and been watching the election coverage and spent about an hour doing Duolingo piano/keyboard and Ukrainian lessons, find them very therapeutic.

I hope you have all had a wonderful Thursday, the weather here has been windy but mostly sunny with the odd shower.

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