
By PicturePoems

First Sports Day

Twenty-one years ago this book was published. My children were grown up when I wrote it and I had no expectation of becoming a granny. Now, after all that time, I've had the joy of dedicating a copy to little Miss B. I was baby-sitting her brother so that both parents could go to her first Sports Day. So I presented a copy to her on her return. It's an early reader with limited vocabulary, one of a handful that I wrote for Rigby (Harcourt) back in the day -- when children still learnt to read through a mixture of phonics and look-and-say (whole word recognition). 

She seemed very pleased with it. More importantly, she'd clearly enjoyed the school occasion. But finding a personal home for that little book gave me such pleasure. It was also Mr and Mrs B's 9th wedding anniversary. (And Independence Day in the US. And a general election here, so no line-dancing as the hall was in use as a polling station.)

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