
By Hanna4home

Just remembered!

Just catching up on a few blips and realised that I hadn’t taken a photo today… but Lydia sent me this today , that she had been sent by one of Alicia’s teachers at pre school.It seems they do this quite often.It did make me smile.. it’s her last week at pre school as she starts reception in September. The same school so nothing will be new for her as she already spends a lot of time in reception!..
A day to myself as Vic went down to his stretch of the River Wye.. he’s part of a syndicate. There were no salmon but he had a lovely day, though very windy.
I visited a few charity shops and came home with too many books… never too many!!!.. and a woollen blanket for 50p , sold by the National Trust, which I have actually seen!!!…and some lovely pieces of Indian fabric.
And of course voted!!…

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