That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Going To The Polls

Our Ballot Papers were waiting for us when we returned from holiday but that was cutting it fine to risk sending through the post so we took them to the polling station to hand in.

I duly completed the required form, adding Mr Flum's to it, as was permitted. Here I was required to give the reason for this...what to say? Because he's standing next to me? We do everything together? (Not!) To save a tree? The Polling Clerk admitted that the question was vague.

But then I was asked to provide a photo ID. Everyone casting their vote in person is now required to provide this but the instructions given for handing in a postal vote mention only the form to be completed, there is no reference to a photograph. I did query this but, to be obliging, I offered my bus pass (now some 17 years post-photograph, fewer lines and with dark hair instead of grey) which seemed to be satisfactory. Just another item on the 'feedback list' for the Returning Officer.

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