
By Pinkhairedlady


Our daughter in law was graduating today with an MSC with distinction in Medical Ultrasound so we headed through to Glasgow for lunchtime. As graduands only get 2 tickets, Mr PHL planned to spend the afternoon browsing the art shop whilst I went to the ceremony with our son.

By happy coincidence our youngest nephew was also graduating with a BSC in podiatry so we caught up with him and his mum and dad at lunchtime for a quick sandwich.

We had a wee bit of time before the ceremony started so were able to enjoy a celebratory glass of fizz before we went in.

The ceremony was rather short as there were a large number of names listed in the brochure who didn’t attend. It was lovely to see the support some groups got from their friends and families. As I wore my Fitbit, I ‘walked’ several thousand steps whilst applauding each graduand.

We had time after the ceremony to go for a drink and a snack at Pania, a lovely wee brunch cafe by day and tapas bar by night, before heading to Six by Nico in the Merchant city to enjoy the Amalfi coast menu. The food was lovely but the service and food presentation were just a little off and not as good as they have been in the other restaurants we’ve been too. However our son and daughter in law enjoyed their first visit and we had a great time celebrating A’s achievements. She’s planning to publish the results of the study she conducted for her dissertation once she’s had a bit of time off.

Home in a horrible rainstorm by 9pm but I got sidetracked and didn’t remember to blip.

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