
By IainatCreel

Stromness Waterfront

CMC informs me there is an election on.  I notice Jo Grimond's name wasn't on the ballot.  A few folk asked me how l was going to vote, l used the usual methodology and placed a cross in a box. 

I had pre-packed my rucksack - part of preparation for my adventure.  Caught the cargo boat run from Stromness to Hoy at mid-day.   I am in sole charge of the Bolt Hole.  I even have my Allen keys with me to repair the mower.  Whilst still in Stromness l met Elizabeth briefly at the start of her walk with CMC.  I then went to get preparations underway for a certain pending birthday.  I bought some pastry products from Argos' Bakery (in a plain broon poke).

I had to miss my very mixed doubles with Margaret Court.

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