
By Schoenies

View from a bench

Wow, I can't believe I have reached the milestone of 3650 blips. I do sometimes miss a day or two, but always come back. Blip is addictive, and I have met so many wonderful people. I do enjoy having glimpses into your lives.  Blip is such a caring community. And, of course, thanks to our wonderful blip team who keep things running smoothly.
This is one of my many lovely scenes from our village of Schoenmakerskop (Schoenies for short) Today started off with strong winds, which finally died down this afternoon and we had some sunshine for a short while. Golf has been cancelled tomorrow as the forecast is for more strong winds.
I think I'll have a glass of red to celebrate, so cheers all.
And happy 4th of July to my American blip buddies.

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