My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Kew Gardens

I woke several times in the night, before finally getting up around 6am, I sat in their garden listening to the birds & hearing an unusual one for me which was the Green Parakeets. I didn't see them though.
We caught the train to Kew Gardens & I was so excited esp when I saw the Pegoda over the wall as we walked to the entrance.
This is my Son standing by the Pegoda. :)
It was worth every penny, I treated us all to tickets.
We looked around the Glass Houses & found the one with huge Lily pads
Walked 14+ miles & we were knackered, but still didn't see everything.
We'd love to go again; we stopped off for a late Lunch/Dinner before going back to rest our feet.
WOW! WOW! WOW! Recommend going. :)

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