
By isbi


Must be time to wash the ute, but it's not due till Christmas.
Thanks for your ongoing hosting of Abstract Thursday, Ingeborg.

Tiny Tuesday Results.
Thanks to all who took part in TT this week. I must say it was very interesting seeing the variety of objects found lurking in people's drawers, and it appears to be the same the world over.

Hearts, in no particular order, go to:
AnnieBelle for a piece of the Berlin Wall. There were a few rocks and stones but this really takes the cake!
KeenKen for beautifully photographed chrysocolla.
Cor61 Elvis mirror, made my heart leap a little.
MissyCat earrings, not easy to photograph so well.
Trisharooni more brilliant photography, this time a tiny light bulb.

HMs to:
heanku I just love the tiny pink button.
Lisa's life very typical object to find in the "man drawer", and I like the simplicity of the image.
Doyley22 there's something "alive" about this pretty purse.
sk lovely still life of a tiny pill box
AH14 brilliant macro detail of a fly.

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