Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Eternal March?

No, I'm not envisaging an energetic eternity, nor am I thinking about a never-ending walk, but I am contemplating with some gloom this March weather that seems to drag on and on. I don't think the temperature rose much above 10c here today, and the wind rose steadily through the day, so that our silver birch tree is thrashing alarmingly in a way it never does in winter when its branches are bare, and I've rescued the full-blown golden roses with the soft stems as well as the only bloom so far on the elderly Josephine Bruce and brought them indoors (extra) where we can admire them, because we sure ain't sitting outside on the patio with them! Can you sense that I'm getting a bit depressed at it all?

It was the same reaction that brought my friend Di on the phone this morning to chat, just because she's as fed up as I am with the added horror of their car springing a leak somewhere important. We chatted for ages, both, I think, feeling cheered by the end of the call. Apart from that and some Italian, all I did this morning was take a prescription request to the surgery - an ocular migraine disrupted my breakfast horribly and all I felt capable of for the next hour was sitting with my eyes shut. It's gone now, but threatened to return later ...

Himself and I went for a walk very late in the afternoon, simply because we were both feeling frowsty and out of sorts. ("Frowsty" annoys the predictive spelling). When the odd glimpse of sunshine made its presence felt, we staggered out (into yet another rainstorm) and down to the West Bay, which is where I took the main photo, looking south-west to where the next shower is barrelling over the hills to the south of the town. The sea was crashing on the shore even with a low tide, and there was barely a soul on the prom. 

Earlier in the day I realised I was looking forward to evening because we could eat and drink and slump in front of the TV and not fret about anything else. Now that evening's done, in a flash, and I have to be out early. What a tedious day!

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