
By ZE1Christie

Filsket Kettlins

Back to wet and dull weather. Gosh, can someone hit the summer reset button!  This summer is draining. 

Up early, feeling much better.  Headed out walkies with Sammy, popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Nipped along Laura's, mam was there too.  A 1pm late shift in the airport.  A busy day of passengers, all flights on time too.  Walkies with Sammy, when the rain eases, then feet up for the night.

After a few days not seeing the kittens, you fairly see an odds on them, growing fast.  They were snuggled when I first arrived, but soon woke and started charging about.  They are getting better on their feet, even mootie (tiny) jumps, and super playful, fighting with each other.  Kitty (centre) is an eager player, she misses nothing and straight in for the kill.  They're a filsket (playful) bunch, that's for sure.  Taken at Laura's, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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