
By ArcLight

Popping poppies

Back in the spring, Mr A chucked a few packets of seed in the big raised bed in the back garden that had least in it. Everything has gone bonkers (it's one of the beds that is full of horse manure, basically....). The pretty white gypsophila is already out. And the two types of poppies are just looking fit to burst. I think the first ones will be out in the next couple of days. They make a great back drop to the picnic table out there.

Despite further inclement weather, with various showers, we managed to sit out briefly after dinner for a drink (and to eat some of the excellent chocolates that P gifted us at the weekend). However, the wee midgies were out and about, which is different to last year. Soon after we came back in there was a heavy shower, but now it's dry again. You cannot keep up. Or properly warm.

I had a few online meetings today, and they generated further items to follow up on. I kept pretty busy. We did manage to pop out to the garden centre at lunchtime, as Mr A wanted some netting to put over the strawberries. Something - perhaps the pine marten we once saw on the fence - is eating the strawberries just as they ripen. That's two we've lost now, out of a not that massive harvest. Let's see how we get on with Mr A's bamboo poles and netting system to protect them. Of course, I had to buy a few plants. A couple of foxgloves, a "rose poppy" and some sort of ground cover the name of which I cannot recall (and I cannot be bothered to go out side to check).

One more day to wait!

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