
By JennyOwen


Waiting. On the brink, but of what? Since I'm desperate to see the back of 14 years of right-wing government in the UK, I want to believe the opinion polls, predicting as they do a large Labour majority. But, but... putting too much faith in that feels like tempting fate.  And the far-right populist Reform UK party is trawling up last-minute support from people who understandably feel weary and jaded about politics.
So I both dread the moment of truth - sometime in the early hours of Friday - and long for the election process to be finished.
Dipping into social media forums, tentatively, reveals a toxic mix of rumour and bile. That's not a surprise. But it's grim all the same.
So today's is a jumbled image from the garden, a gooseberry bush layered over a large ceramic sun ornament.  Perhaps it's an expression of hope, with Green Man overtones, alongside the uncertainty.

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