David J. Rose

By djrose007


Hardly disco night, as it started at 5pm and went on until the early hours of 5.45pm for the reception children.
Other classes followed from the infants and then the juniors.
They had a great time and, as it was only 3/4 of an hour, I waited as it wasn't really worth walking all the way home and then back again so quickly.
As it was I've exceeded my normal 7,000 plus steps and today my total is 11,120.
The colour in he hair doesn't show up too well but either side there is red and then that blue streak down the middle.
My mind wandered a little when I wrote 'Blue Streak' as that was a nuclear warhead carrying missile that was supposed to replace the V-Force bombers, but it never went into production! If I think of any more trivia I'll keep it to myself!

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