
By Majoayee


Digital group today and we were trying to see how colours are affected by the various tools in Photoshop such as ‘colour mixer’, ‘Channel mixer’, ‘Colour balance’, even ‘saturation’, ‘vibrance’, etc..
To look at this we made the above image.

We used Hex numbers, which are combinations of Red/Green/Blue – RGB system. The ‘number’ is made up of two digits for each colour.
rr gg bb (Each pair of hex digits giving a possible 256 combinations!)
The symbols work from 0 to F value 0 to 16

00 =none of a colour ff=maximum of the colour
(symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F)

So for red ff0000 (maximum red and none of the blue and green)
For green 00ff00
For blue 0000ff

You can see the Hex number for each colour on the image.
The Greys are such as to have equally spaced greys colour wise

We then ran the image through various tools in photoshop to see if the results were as expected. Not always. You may think you are only affecting one colour but frequently you are affecting other colours as well! It was a very interesting exercise!

Off to do painting with our daughter and her friends on line soon. A different look at colour!

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