
By Arachne


Another adventure starts!

After a short-notice hospital appointment in Oxford, (which I was glad to have despite it delaying my departure) I caught a train to Bristol. The rendezvous outside the station with Ben, a musician friend of Firstborn's (whom I've also known for years - his mum sings in the same choir as me) worked perfectly. He handed me my Glastonbury Festival ticket, loaded my heavy rucksack into his car to take to the site on Sunday and waved me goodbye, leaving me just enough time to go back into the station and catch the train to Firstborn's, one stop away.

Yes Glastonbury. I've never been and have tried and failed to get a ticket for many years. This glorious fortune is the unexpected result of me joining Ben in a children's violin lesson he was teaching at WOMAD 11 months ago.

Firstborn told him I'd be interested to join the violin part of his team teaching stringed instruments plus beatboxing (Firstborn's role) at Glastonbury's Kidz Field this year, mostly to young children who have never played before, and three months ago I was bowled over when Ben very generously invited me to join them. I am not a good violinist and I have never taught violin but I know I'm better at the violin than beginners and, more importantly, I know I can teach, so I've been reading up on beginner violin. I am a little apprehensive but pretty confident I can do it.

The forecast implies Glastonbury won't be muddy this year, though my wellies are part of my weighty load just in case, and I hope that it being warm enough for Firstborn, his partner and me to sit outside into darkness this evening is a good omen.

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