Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Mr. HCB decided he had had enough of sitting outside in the cold, almost Octoberish weather on Monday and Tuesday, so decided not to go to cricket today but offered to take me to Jack’s for a coffee, an offer I couldn’t refuse!

Before we went, I picked up a handful of hearts, confident that I would be able to give out at least one today.  As it happened, I gave out three - to the lovely trio at the top of my collage and even though I don’t choose them, the three I pulled out of my pocket all had “JOY” written on them.

Of course, we had noticed over the last few weeks that a Juicery was being added to the already busy coffee bar at Jack’s, and today, there was a lot of activity.  You know me, I was looking for a Blip, as always, and went up to speak to the two young ladies behind the counter.

I found out that they were Georgia, in the middle, who manages the juicery, Mya, on the right, who works there and Theo, who is presently on Work Experience, who is on the left and smiling broadly - well, who wouldn’t smile doing this job - better than working in a boring office!

Georgia told me something about the containers in front of them, all of which contained either oats, fruit, seeds and other goodies that form part of the ingredients for their juices and smoothies.

If you want to know more, then have a look at their WEBSITE, where they state “The Core’s goal is to encourage people to eat and drink a bit healthier and discover the benefits of freshly extracted juices for your health.”  I'm sure many of us could do with eating and drinking more healthily!

I’m sure we will be trying one of their smoothies when we visit - although Mr. HCB may need some convincing - he does like his caffè latte when we visit Jack’s!

What delightful young people they were;  they were happy to pose for me once I had explained to them about Blip and as I said above, it was good to be able to bless them with a little wooden heart each, so I hope that today has been “full of joy” for each of them.  

P.S.  As usual, I am completely “off-theme” but I hope the top shot will at least show that I was “thinking wide”!

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