This is the day

By wrencottage

Not a cabbage white

I went into the garden this morning to fill the bird bath with fresh water and I was struck by how autumnal it felt. The ground was damp, there was a chill to the air and I had to be very careful where I put my feet down as I made my way along the garden path because there were so many snails crawling across it.

The day has continued chilly and dull, and the central heating switched itself on at one point, even though our thermostat is set to about 16 or 17°.

Later on I thought I spied a cabbage white butterfly on the buddleia bush so I scooped up my camera with the long lens and gingerly stepped between the snails on the garden path to reach the wildflower patch at the bottom. It turned out to be a white feather that had stuck to the buddleia flower, but nevertheless I was glad I had my long lens with me because it enabled me to take this shot of some pretty blooms right at the back of the Pretty Lady rose bush.

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