
By TheOttawacker

The hunt for a tajine

June has been a strange month; not bad, but not always good. Today followed much in that vein. We did a fair bit of prep for tomorrow, making sure there was enough food in the house, for example, and then tidied a bit. While Ottawacker Jr. watched the Euros, Mrs. Ottawacker and I went out to look for a new, larger tajine. We failed miserably in our quest – the place where we bought the last one having closed down (Ten Thousand Villages); in the end, we tried a high-end chef’s place close to home. They had a very nice one… and any time I have $200 spare to buy a piece of cookery earthenware, I’ll be sure to go there. And that will be just after I buy this red fridge with the word “SMEG” written all over it.
Back home, prepared dinner (chicken drumsticks in our very nice, small tajine that cost $12 five years ago), then took Ottawacker Jr. to his football practice in the evening.

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