Part of the Heartfreek July Photo Challenge!
I made these buttons at school in woodwork/technology! They are the only memory I have chosen to hang onto and they sit on my bookshelves....Just wishing I'd a better blip of them, but can't get the lighting right at all today! Sorry they are not an 'out of the box' shot really....
I've made a bookcase for myself, a wooden toy box for my nephews when they were smaller, and some coasters in later life. One day I'll blip the bookcase and the coasters. I still have a jigsaw cutter, but haven't made anything for some years now....
I was planning to do a particular Street scene for the Heartfreek July Photo Challenge, but I am not feeling good enough to go out and about. My head is aching again and I woke up with a very stiff neck (although that is easing now) and my sinuses are really bad today....
Thursday today, my day off tomorrow thankfully! Off to get some lunch and then organise myself for work this afternoon now...
Apologies in advance if I don't get to all your journals or reply to comments in the next few days, its my first week back at work ~ so I will be working Monday to Thursday, then Saturday and Sunday!
Oh yes, and here's the challenge! I have to find myself a simple fancy dress costume before Saturday morning (and it can't be a pirate as I've done that before)! I'd totally forgotten its a fundraising day at work.... Any ideas??? I can't afford to spend much money either!!!
Happy Thursday folks :)
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