A Good Read

After some rain this morning the afternoon was a little brighter.. but very cold. There is lots of fresh snow on the mountains.

Just as well I got a text from Urologist specialist this morning. I had forgotten about my appointment on Friday. I got the appointment two months ago and with everything happening I thought it was more the end of July.  I am going privately for this appointment as the public hospital wouldn't see me at this stage. 

Because I forgot, I rang the specialist and they said it was still okay to do the urine test today. It said on the form it was to have been done five days before the appointment. I also have to do a 24 hour bladder dairy. So I started that straight away.

Hopefully they can come up with why I am getting bladder infections all the time and having to get up sometime ten time during the night. 

So far I have found this book very interesting. 

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