Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

Healthy Eating ...

... Heartfreek's Challenge - Sign.

We woke this morning to CLOUD. We couldn't believe it.

We leave Mallorca Saturday morning and today was the day when I planned on doing our laundry. I never go home with a suitcase filled with dirty washing if I can help it. It's so much nicer standing on the shaded patio looking out over the mountains doing the ironing than in my kitchen! When I get home, I open the case and just place the freshly laundered clothing straight in the drawers and wardrobe - bliss.

I decided to pop the washing machine on anyway as it was still warm outside and thankfully by 10am the sun broke through and I put the first load out on the line.

Hubby, who is working today, suggested a trip into Pollensa for a coffee (no cake today!!) when I saw this "Healthy" looking capture, ( I couldn't resist it for HeartFreek's Challenge - Sign).

It's now 32 degrees with wall to wall sunshine, I'm going to miss Mallorca very, very much.

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