Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Heat wave

Another form of Street Photography that interests me is objects that speak of human actions, objects like this abandoned jacket I Blipped in 2012. Not photographs of people, but photographs of what people leave in their wake. 

We’ve had a few days of slightly warmer temperatures, and today I came across this smashed electric fan lying on the sidewalk. I imagine someone dug it out of a storage area, hoped it would work, became impatient when it didn’t, and then literally kicked it to the curb. There could be some other story, but the one I imagine made me laugh, recognizing my own impatience with machinery of all kinds.

Everyone in Portland is thinking of fans and air conditioners (if they have them) because there is an “excessive heat warning” for the upcoming “holiday” (in quotes because I don’t celebrate). I see a meme currently circulating on Facebook that says these times are “like the collapse of the Roman Empire, but with wifi.” It would be funnier if it didn't mean suffering for a great many people--but that is already underway.

I am stabbed with sorrow to hear that our beloved Radish has died. He gave us all delight and laughter. His people, especially The Wretched One who gave us insights into his mind and actions, must be bereft.

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