Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

"New" car

We've been debating for several months (if not years) the pros and cons of having a second (smaller) car.  Our Kia is bigger than we really need most of the time, but great for longer distance journeys.  But for local trips for shopping etc it is bigger than we need.  And even with the seat at its highest, I can't see the front corners of the car, which might have played into the "rearrangement" currently being repaired.

So W has been browsing secondhand electric cars on DoneDeal for several months.  And a few days ago we spotted what seemed like a decent buy from a private seller nearby.

I went back to the garden centre this morning, bought more ground cover plants, and planted them almost as soon as I got home.  W did some weeding and applied Roundup* to the weeds in the driveway.

And then I fielded a call from the car repairers which left me quite upset.  "Just a heads up, your car needs to go to the Kia garage for a safety check before we can let you have it back, and the soonest they can do it is 12th July".  Given that we were expecting to get it back tomorrow, or Thursday at the latest, this was a bit of a bummer, made more upsetting by the fact that the woman on the phone from the body repairers seemed to have no real understanding that this might be quite unexpected and frustrating.  And to make things worse (at least in my head) it meant we would have to go on driving our rental diesel "tank" for even longer.

So the only thing to do was go out and buy another car!  We contacted the above mentioned private seller and arranged to see his car.  And with a model name of Zoë, how could we not buy it!  He's even offered to drop it round to our house on Thursday evening.

In other news, adolescent GSW was on our peanut feeder this afternoon - I took photos, but they're all out of focus.

* We avoid chemical weed control as much as possible, but it really is the only way to control the weeds growing up into the tarmac.

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