Blush response

By Esper

"I'm Not Going Down There!"

On This Day In History
1863: The Battle Of Gettysburg ends

Quote Of The Day
"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation concieved in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
(Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address )

Eight score and one year later, the Supreme Court ruled that was nonsense and made official the long known fact that some people are far more equal than others. Thankfully, I should be able to get my Los Angeles holiday in before the next civil war in November.

God bless the American Dream. It was good while it lasted.

Down In It


It's looking increasingly likely that the next big war could be fought between humans and some form of Non Human Intelliegence. Crazy? Listen to Michael Herrera and ask yourself, "Does this sound like the kind of person who would make up bat-shit stories about intergalactic or interdimensional warfare between humans and aliens?" To me, he seems like the kind of person who you could trust 100% to tell the truth. Total integrity. Tie what Michael Herrera said with the recently released report from the S.O.L. Foundation about Anomalous Health Threats: Health Security Considerations For U.A.P and you have to wonder, "Are we in danger of being caught up in the middle of an inter-galactic/inter-dimensional war?" 

Do you remember in April Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen fired a wave of rockets, missiles and drones at Israel. Over 500 in total. The U.S., Israel, U.K and Jordan successfully downed 99% of them. Did you ever ask yourself, "Do we really have the technology capable of downing 99% of over 500 missiles?" Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Anyway, I'd better shut up before Agent E flashy-things me again!

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