Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Ive got an appointment next Tuesday at a clinic near Gateshead.  Its a clinic I've never heard of before and didn't know its exact location.  So I decided to check out the buses and do a " dummy run " today in case I get lost next week.

I got a bus to Gateshead Interchange and then another bus out of Gateshead to get to the clinic.  I was hoping the bus would be one where the stops are announced/appear on a board as you travel along ... but it was an old bus so there was nothing.  Fortunately I had one landmark that I knew - Gateshead International Stadium  - so when I spotted that I knew my stop was the next one.  When I got off the bus I asked someone where the clinic was.... it wasn't far from the bus stop.  So Im all sorted to go again next week.

Crossed the road and had a 15 min wait for a bus back to Gateshead ( there's only one bus you can catch and it runs every 20 mins )

When I got to Gateshead it was full of police.  Around a dozen police officers and 4 police cars/vans.  The rumour was that someone had been caught shoplifting.  The police presence seemed to be too much for just shoplifting so maybe a weapon or violence was involved.  There was no ambulance around so hopefully no-one was hurt.

I did some shopping in the big Tesco before getting a bus home.  This bus was already full when it arrived but someone gave up their seat for me.  A lot of passengers had to stand for the whole of their journey.

The Tiny Tuesday challenge is " something from a box or drawer of bits and pieces, or maybe your handbag".  I have lots of drawers full of all sorts of odd things so I had a rummage and came up with these three cardboard coins.  One 1947 penny and two 1953 half crowns.  Ive shown the front and back of the half crowns.  They must have been around since Becky and Neil were little. I will hang on to them so that Astrid can use them when she's visiting and " playing shops". Thanks to isbi for hosting.

It was another dull day and we had some rain this afternoon.

Steps today - 7,095

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