
By rat

Seven swans a-swimming

Dad had gone ahead, all making a beeline for the family with food.
Keepfit this morning, I thought I'd see how I got on as I don't want to lose any more fitness than necessary. I did not too badly with the teacher giving some alternatives for moves that my back didn't like.
Some gentle gardening when I got home and then a rest before going to the volunteering session at the ponds where we removed Himalayan balsam, cut back brambles and other things overgrowing the paths and picked up litter. It was good to see the cygnets are all growing well.
Back home rested for a bit and watched the cycling before going out to pick salad for tea and make a dish of rice, fish and curry sauce (and I also added roast cahews that weren't in the recipe0.
Zoom Paryer meeting this evening, I was to have been going out but that was cancelled.

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